Client testimonials

Here’s how I describe what it’s like to work with me. Below are Utah dietitian testimonials on what it’s like to work with Rebecca Clyde MS, RDN

"I'm glad I found you because lots of dietitians are here to just tell me what to eat, that doesn't work for me"

"Rebecca really 'saw' me, asked amazing questions that helped me have insights I had never had before. I now feel ready to commit to ditching the diet and loving and taking care of my body."

"Don’t eat this, don’t eat that, this will happen, that will happen, judging myself all the time.  Now after Rebecca and her mindful eating guidance, I am loving how I am feeling! Mindful eating results in wonderfill then wonderfull, feeling so much better, functioning better, sleeping better. Just. Priceless."

"Rebecca helped me think about WHY I have negative feelings towards my body. I think the most helpful thing for me was recognizing those moments--big or small--when the negative self talk about my body started."

"The most valuable things I learned from our sessions were the fundamentals of intuitive eating, listening to my body and giving myself permission to experiment and learn what works best for me, and focusing on small actions instead of perfection when it comes to cooking, food and eating out"

If something felt too overwhelming, she would help me break it down into manageable steps. I appreciated her honest feedback and suggestions.

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